Sep 10, 2013

Silent Oath Soundtrack: All Coming Back To Me Now

Welcome to the first post in the Silent Oath Soundtrack series. These posts will take us through most of September, letting me share the music that inspired and motivated me to write key scenes and themes for Nathan's latest adventure.

I know it's a bit cheesy, but I love this song. It has obvious parallels to Nathan and his new love interest, Elena. It speaks of memories, allowing two lovers to almost rediscover each other, but with a bitter tone that suggests a painful rift between them. The song asks whether the two can be together, but never provides an answer. The fact that Meat Loaf's cover version features both male and female voices singing to each other seals it in my mind.

This is Nathan and Elena's song for this book, hands down.


  1. It's a terrific song and sounds like it matches well. I've never been able to mix music and writing- it's too distracting. Though I do understand how it can help.

    1. I actually find it difficult to focus if I don't have music playing at least for a little while.

  2. Wow, really? Meat Loaf got me through much of my teenage years, I love his work.
