Jul 21, 2016


Today's the day. A little under a month away from my 36th birthday, the IndieGoGo campaign for Blackened Wings has ended, 103% funded. This is enough to pay for my edits and formatting, as well as order the books and tshirts I need for the perks my backers will receive.

I'll be totally honest, when I started this, I wasn't sure I'd reach my goal. That's why I chose the flexible funding option, so I'd at least get something towards the book, in case it didn't reach the minimum goal.

It's interesting looking back at how my books have all been landmarks of certain life milestones.

This IndieGoGo campaign was the first major step in a new positive outlook for me. After life beating me down for a few years, it finally feels like I'm back on my feet. I'm happier, healthier, and excited to bring this new story to the world.

Now, those of you who missed the IndieGoGo, don't worry too much. Lady Raven and Red Skies are available through Amazon, and Blackened Wings will be joining them in October, following its launch at this year's Octocon.

Thank you to all of my backers, this book may not have happened with you!

Time to raise the colours and get ready for Cora Ravenell's next big adventure. Yo ho!

1 comment:

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